

Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts at Hubei Museum


The Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts are early Chinese texts written on bamboo slips, and are also sometimes called the Yunmeng Qin bamboo texts.
The Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts (Chinese: 睡虎地秦简 / 睡虎地秦简; pinyin: Shuihudi Qin jian) are early Chinese texts written on bamboo slips, and are also sometimes called the Yunmeng Qin bamboo texts. They were excavated in December 1975 from Tomb #11 at Chengguan Shuihudi (城关睡虎地), Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, China. The tomb belonged to a Qin administrator.


Written in the Qin Dynasty, they record Qin laws and public documents. Their contents have been published in a Chinese book entitled 《睡虎地秦墓竹简》 (Shuihudi Qinmu Zhujian). This cache of bamboo slips is of great importance for research into the government, economics, culture, law, military affairs, etc. of the late Warring States to Qin Dynasty period.


The above picture indicated what they should be on rolling to be stored. 上图显示了古人对简的日常收藏方式。




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